Peacewaters SCD Clinics

Sat, Feb 22, 2020

Peacewater Clinics begin with a discussion among community members about how sustainable community development relates to our water, air, land and waste management. (1) Initial discussion about the nature of the problem needing to be addressed (2) invite community member stakeholders for a (3) followup discussion covering short and long term planning options.

Peace Engineering provides an approach where better understanding to complex problems.


  • Drinking Water
  • Wastewater & Sewage
  • Solid Waste

University of St. Thomas focuses on the following in their new program

  • Energy & water resources
  • Aid of technology in areas of conflict or natural disaster
  • Public safety in engineering decisions
  • Agricultural tools to fight poverty and hunger

Peace Engineering Consortium proposes the following research topics

  • Behavior design and positive deployment of persuasive technology
  • Climate Change (UN, World Bank)
  • Data Analytics (ML, AI, etc.) - predictive and preventative analytics, pattern recognition Sustainability (SDGs)
  • Trans-disciplinary systemic level thinking (unintended social, economic and political consequences of emerging technologies)
  • Infrastructure (mobile, internet, labs, utilities, etc)
  • Peace finance, and price signals for the value of peace in global capital markets
  • Curriculum for ethical innovation and safe deployment of technologies that change human behavior
  • Peace Data Standard and peace metrics (negative/positive peace, socio-economic and political impact, externalities)
  • Peacebuilding commercialization

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