SCD Hub Clinics

Mon, Feb 22, 2021

SCD Clinics provide supportive information and organizational support for small community projects. The steps are to define a problem, invite community members and ask for their perspective on said issue, compile research, then call meeting to establish new ways work together to build lasting metaphorical bridges of understanding and peacemaking by bringing better understanding to complex problems.

Peacewater solutions library portal is provided for projects related to drinking water, waste water, and solid waste.

Sustainable Community Development Clinics typically start very informally, and follow a timeline that participants agree upon in advance. They can be online or in-person, ( or a combination of both). The Umati Portal - is developing resources to support this process.

SCD Clinics in IT

  • A useful comunity development clinic allows for some objectivity while opening up dialogues and bridges of understanding between groups.

  • Training the tech literacy support people.

  • SCD Clinics enable participants to learn through process.


  • Climate effects on water resources
  • Local river and lake water quality issues
  • Sonoma California wine grape worker and youth exposures.
  • Young artists tribute ‘The Black River’ with a film in Nairobi 2021
  • Workshops have gone well by assisting people to access and begin using solid web developer tools via free level of service plans on Netlify and/or Vercel, Heroku and Github